[2015-03-11] v0.10.0
[2013-08-13] v0.9.0
- Started working on a direct manipulation edit mode: nodes, labels, edges and subgraph boxes can be moved. The geometry of edges can be edited. Nodes and subgraph boxes cannot yet be resized. In collaboration with René Vestergaard.
- Added support for the Link Sliding and Bring and Go navigation techniques from our CHI '09 paper Topology-Aware Navigation in Large Networks. Video previews are available from the ZGRViewer videos page.
- Enhancements to highlighting mode (contributed by Andreas Hügel):
- Mouse wheel up/down on a node changes how many levels of neighbor nodes get highlighted. Hold SHIFT and/or CONTROL modifier keys to highlight incoming/outgoing/undirected edges only.
- META modifier key + left click makes the current highlighting permanent (until the corresponding node gets META + left clicked again).
- ZGRViewer can now be instantiated as a JPanel that can be embedded in an arbitrary Swing component hierarchy (contributed by Frederik Schmidt)
- ZGRViewer now features bookmarks. View/Show Bookmarks
- Many enhancements to the plugin API, allowing for much more powerful customizations of ZGRViewer (in collaboration with René Vestergaard)
- ZGRViewer now reconstructs the subgraph hierarchy
- AJaPaD support for penwidth, customized edges, color and label options for subgraphs (contributed by Frederik Schmidt)
- Better UTF-8 support in AJaPaD DOT parser (contributed by Michał Meina)
- 2815883 (Add support for svgz in standalone version) - contributed by Roger John
- 2821584 (Edge highlighting broken in Graphviz 2.24 when linking ports)
- 2939436 (Link sliding not working)
- 2948902 (Key bindings not working in ZGRViewer - applet)
- 2954816 (Find text field looses focus when cursor exits it in ZGRViewer - applet)
- 3076642 (Overview window not resizable)
- 3419542 (Overview not showing entire graph in applet version)
- RFEs:
- 2755684 (Add support for zoom factor when focusing on a node in applet version)
[2009-05-19] ZVTM and ZGRViewer at JavaOne
- ZVTM, ZUIST and several applications including ZGRViewer will be demonstrated from June 1st to June 4th at JavaOne in San Francisco.
- Meet us at the Moscone Center, Exhibition booth #628 (INRIA)
[2009-04-07] v0.8.2
- This version works with GraphViz 2.22 and later (as well as earlier versions).
- Added support for the DynaSpot pointing technique, that makes it easier to select small graphical objects including graph edges.
- Bugs:
[2009-03-20] Two research papers involving ZGRViewer to be presented at ACM CHI 2009
- O. Chapuis, J.-B. Labrune, E. Pietriga, DynaSpot: Speed-Dependent Area Cursor, CHI '09: Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems, pages 1391-1400, April 2009, Boston, USADynaSpot: Speed-Dependent Area Cursor can be activated in ZGRViewer (0.8.2 and above) to facilitate node and edge selection (see Preferences panel).
- T. Moscovich, F. Chevalier, N. Henry, E. Pietriga, J.-D. Fekete, Topology-Aware Navigation in Large Networks, CHI '09: Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems, pages 2319-2328, April 2009, Boston, USAThe techniques described in Topology-Aware Navigation in Large Networks will soon be available in ZGRViewer.
- The conference takes place in April in Boston, USA. The papers will be presented during sessions on Pointing and Cursor Techniques and Understanding Graphs.
[2008-06-17] v0.8.1 compatible with Java 1.4
- v0.8.1 was released with a version of ZVTM compiled for Java 1.5 and above. If you plan to use ZGRViewer with Java 1.4, a version of ZVTM compatible with Java 1.4 virtual machines is available. Simply replace this file in ZGRViewer's target directory.
[2008-05-20] v0.8.1
- Feature Requests:
- Bugs:
- 1967954 (Edge of tool palette visible even if disabled)
[2007-11-30] v0.8.0
- The SVN repository has been completely reorganized to provide a clearer separation between ZVTM and the various applications based on it and hosted in the same repository. In addition all projects are now managed with Maven 2.0. Instructions for getting ZGRViewer's source code have been updated. New build instructions are available.
- When using a recent version of GraphViz, ZGRViewer can reconstruct the graph's logical structure from structural elements and metadata in the SVG document. Eventually this will make it possible to perform editing operations on the graph by direct manipulation. Right now, only the following tools are featured when the reconstruction is successful:
- Highlighting: when the cursor enters a node or selects an arc, sibling elements get highlighted.
- Added support for SVGZ compressed files in ZGRViewer - Applet (contributed by Henrik Lindberg, see 1827938 for more details)
- Added support for Javascript-encapsulated xlink:href values (contributed by Rodrigo Fonseca)
- Bugs:
- 1686230 (Bad SVG export of some Unicode characters)
- 1701790/1759981 (Problem with https links)
- 1766037 (Cannot load file without path on command line)
- 1822702 (loading a file after a large one had been loaded took a lot of time)
- 1823803 (allow svgURL to be specified relative to applet), contributed by Darren Davison
- 1830726 (fix relative href destinations when clicking graph nodes), contributed by Darren Davison
- 1834613 (Edges with URLs do not open in the browser)
- Feature Requests:
- 1831888 (Disable lens tool palette in ZGRApplet)
[2007-07-14] v0.7.2a
- Added a missing dependency that caused some Java Virtual Machines to fail initializing ZGRViewer
[2007-03-14] v0.7.2
- Using ZVTM's new fade in/fade out feature to make the graph visually fade in when loaded
- New menu items: Open with circo, Open with twopi, Check for updates
- Bugs:
[2006-12-13] v0.7.1
- Bugs:
- RFEs:
[2006-12-06] v0.7.0
- An applet version of ZGRViewer is now available (RFEs 1575988 and 1605881)
- Bugs:
[2006-10-12] v0.6.0
- Static distortion lenses have been replaced by probing lenses (video)
- Three other focus+context navigation techniques are not available (Java 1.5 or 1.6 recommended):
- a square Manhattan lens with speed-dependent translucence (video)
- a circular lens using translucence as the transition dimension between focus and context (video)
- a variation on the DragMag Image Magnifier [Ware & Lewis 95] (video)
- RFEs: 1333820 (customizable zoom factor)
- Bugs: 1540103 (Java 1.6 incompatibility)
[2005-10-17] v0.5.0
- New experimental pipeline asking GraphViz programs to generate DOT files instead of SVG files, making ZGRViewer aware of the graph's logical structure (this knowledge will be exploited in the next release). Uses the new ANTLR-based AJaPaD DOT parser/API for Java (alpha status)
- Programs other than dot or neato can be invoked (by specifying the full command line)
- Many commands (file opening, print, navigation) can now be accessed through a pie menu
- Bug fixes:
- RFEs:
[2005-06-06] v0.4.0
- ZGRViewer can now be extended with plugins (such as the Bi-manual interaction plugin)
- Enhanced print dialog with output resolution control (RFE 1183530)
- Bug fix: zgrviewer hangs when calling dot or neato (1183820)
[2005-02-17] v0.3.1a
- Bug fix: controlling camera position with keyboard shortcuts and some mouse commands was no longer working
[2005-02-10] v0.3.1
- New speed-dependent automatic zooming navigation technique inspired by (but not equivalent to) T. Igarashi and K. Hinckley's work.
- Enhanced PNG export function with output resolution control (contributed by Shu Ning Bian).
- Current DOT or SVG file can be reloaded from disk
- Bug fix: DOT style attribute values dashed, dotted and bold were not taken into account.
- Bug fix: overview's observation region is now updated when loading a new graph.
- Automatic Browser Detection now works with Mac OS X
[2004-11-25] v0.3.0
- Added a graph overview window (also called radar view)
- A distortion lens (also called fisheye lens) can be applied to the main view
- Directory preferences can be specified by direct input of file paths
- Changed modifier key assignments: ALT replaces CTRL for selecting a region of interest (Ctrl+drag is not supported under MacOS)
- Mouse wheel can now be used to zoom in/out (requires Java 1.4 or later)
[2003-12-07] v0.2.1
- Added support for Web browsing: URLs associated with nodes and edges can be loaded in a Web browser by clicking on graphical elements with the middle mouse button, or by pressing L or the space bar.
- Added new configuration options (Web browser and proxy settings).
[2003-05-08] v0.2.0
- Added keyboard shortcuts for navigation (Home, Page Up and Page Down for zooming ; arrow keys for translation).
- Added a new class called ZGRApplet for viewing SVG files generated by DOT from Java Applets (requires the Java Plug-in 1.3 or later). An example of use of a ZVTM View embedded inside an applet to show SVG graphs generated by GraphViz is available in the W3C RDF Validation Service (choose IsaViz/ZVTM (Dynamic View) as the requested Graph format).
[2003-02-02] v0.1.1
- Changed the mouse button and modifier key assignments (see Help/Commands for details). More friendly for MacOS users, as every action can be accomplished with a single button. Some commands are duplicated and can be accessed using the other mouse buttons when they exist.
- Added a menu item to load SVG directly, without calling dot or neato. Warning: ZGRViewer is not a full SVG viewer ; it will only be able to display files generated by dot or neato.
- It is now possible to specify a file to load as a command line parameter (+ optional flag to choose dot, neato or svg).
[2003-01-21] v0.1.0
- First public version.
- Full screen exclusive mode has been temporarily disabled because of its strange and unpredictable behaviour.