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The plugin infrastructure has been introduced in v0.4.0 of ZGRViewer, and enables the implementation of add-on modules to ZGRViewer. The first plugin that will be made available is ZGRViewer-MPD that makes it possible to plug a second pointing device (such as a trackball) that allows users to control the zoom level (i.e., the camera altitude) with their non-dominant hand, following bi-manual interaction principles (two-handed input). Such modules are distributed as plugins and are not included in the standard ZGRViewer distribution because they impose strong requirements on the environment (Linux + Java 1.5.0 in the case of the ZGRViewer-MPD plugin). The plugin infrastructure by itself requires Java 1.3.x or later.

The plugin infrastructure makes it possible to:

Implementing a new plugin

Plugins are required to implement interface net.claribole.zgrviewer.Plugin. All plugin-related classes have to be bundleled in JAR files that must be put in ZGRViewer's plugins directory.

The net.claribole.zgrviewer.Plugin interface defines the following methods:

public void setApplication(ZGRViewer app)
Called at plugin instantiation time by ZGRViewer, just to give the plugin a hook to ZGRViewer.
public void terminate()
Called by ZGRViewer prior to exit. This method can be empty if the plugin does not have anything to clean up before ZGRViewer exits.
public void loadPreferences(Hashtable settings)
Called at plugin instantiation time by ZGRViewer, this method provides the plugin with its settings as they were saved in zgrviewer.cfg, as a Java hashtable whose keys and values are String objects that respectively represent a setting's name and its value (as saved in the XML preferences file). The method can be empty if the plugin has no user settings to offer.
public Hashtable savePreferences()
Called by ZGRViewer when saving preferences in the preference window. The plugin should provide settings that should be saved as a Java hashtable similar to the one described above. The method can return null if no settings have to be saved.
public void showSettings()
Called by ZGRViewer when the user hits the "Settings..." button associated with the plugin in the "Plugins" tab of the Preferences window. A standard way of implementing this method is to implement a subclass of JFrame that call its constructor from this method. The method can be empty if the plugin has no user settings to offer.
public String getAuthor()
Return the plugin's author name (return an empty String object if none).
public String getName()
Return the plugin's name (return an empty String object if none).
public String getVersion()
Return the plugin's version number (return an empty String object if none).
public getURL()
Return the plugin's Website as a URL object (can be null).

A full example of use of ZVTM-MPD is available in the Bi-manual interaction plugin for ZGRViewer.